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Hope. An anchor through life's storms. The promises of God will give you the strength you need and equip you to face every day with courage!
08/15/2021: Encouragement!
Encouragement! - Gary Van Heukelom
The Unstoppable Progress Of The Gospel! - Pastor Marshaundus Robinson
08/08/2021: The Unstoppable Progress Of The Gospel!
08/15/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
08/08/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
07/18/2021: Nonsensical Trust!
Nonsensical Trust! - Thomas Cellilli, IV
07/11/2021: Stick With Jesus!
Stick With Jesus! - Pastor Marshaundus Robinson
07/18/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
07/04/2021: Peace In The Storms!
07/11/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
Peace In The Storms! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
07/04/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
06/27/2021: Say what? Why do the Disciples
Get all the Good Answers? Listening for Kingdom Planting Opportunities! !
Say what? Why do the Diciples Get all the Good Answers? Listening for Kingdom Planting Opportunities! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
06/20/2021: Corn and Stinky Cheese!
06/27/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
Corn and Stinky Cheese! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
06/13/2021: The Family and The Will!
The Family and The Will! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
06/27/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
06/06/2021: Abundance!
Abundance! - Dr. Tom Wolthuis
06/13/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
05/30/2021: The Greatest Common Denominator and the Unpardonable Sin!
06/06/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
The Greatest Common Denominator and the Unpardonable Sin! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
05/23/2021: Who Is In Your Boat?
Who Is In Your Boat? - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
05/30/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
05/16/2021: Rhythm Of Rest!
05/23/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
Rhythm Of Rest! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
05/09/2021: The Ascension Question!
The Ascension Question! - Dr. Tom Wolthuis
05/16/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
05/05/2021: Roundabouts - Love Them or Hate Them?
Roundabouts - Love Them or Hate Them? - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
05/09/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
05/05/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
04/25/2021: Recognizing The Easter Way!
Recognizing The Easter Way! - Dr. Tom Wolthuis
04/18/2021: The Discernment Of A Call!
The Discernment Of A Call! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
04/25/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
04/04/2021: Experience the Resurrection Every Day!
Experience the Resurrection Every Day! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
04/18/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
03/28/2021: Pressing In & Preparing for the Immediate Moments!
04/04/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
Pressing In and Preparing for the Immediate Moments! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
03/28/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
03/21/2021: The Power Of the Seen And The Unseen!
The Power Of the Seen And The Unseen! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
03/14/2021: Pointing To Jesus!
03/21/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
Pointing To Jesus! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
03/07/2021: Compassionate Pause!
Compassionate Pause! - Jaimi Vander Berg
03/21/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
02/28/2021: Fearfully And Wonderfully Made! Part 3 - Be Transformed!
Fearfully And Wonderfully Made! Part 3 - Be Transformed! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
03/07/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
02/28/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
02/21/2021: Fearfully And Wonderfully Made! Part 2 - Perfect Love Casts Out Fear!
Fearfully And Wonderfully Made! Part 2 - Perfect Love Casts Out Fear! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
02/14/2021: Fearfully And Wonderfully Made!
02/21/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
Fearfully And Wonderfully Made! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
02/07/2021: Between A Rock And A Hard Place!
02/14/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
Between A Rock And A Hard Place! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
01/31/2021: Psalm 119!
02/14/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
Psalm 119! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
01/31/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
The Quadrilateral! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
01/24/2021: The Quadrilateral!
01/17/2021: Foundations For Faith And Life!
01/24/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
Foundations For Faith And Life! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
01/10/2021: One Short Life!
01/17/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
One Short Life! - Gary Van Heukelom
01/03/2021: Foundations For Good Communications and Spirital Growth!
01/10/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
Foundations For Good Communications And Spiritual Growth! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
01/03/2021 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
12/27/2020: The Power Of Three!
The Power Of Three! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
12/20/2020: The Christmas Revolution!
The Christmas Revolution! - Dr. Tom Wolthuis
12/27/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
12/13/2020: Anointed To Be Ambassadors Of Metamorphosis!
12/20/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
Anointed To Be Ambassadors Of Metamorphosis! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
12/13/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
12/06/2020: Mighty, Waiting Power!
Mighty, Waiting Power! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
12/06/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
11/29/2020: Jesus Christ, The Light Of The World
11/22/2020: The Glory Of God's Creation
11/29/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
Jesus Christ, The Light Of The World! - Reverend Jason Chen
The Glory Of God's Creation - Dr. Tom Wolthuis
11/15/2020: Sit Doggie Sit! A conversation on Submission in the home and work place!
11/22/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
11/08/2020: Lifting The Fog, Living The Light!
11/15/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
Sit Doggie Sit! a conversation on Submission in the home and work place. - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
11/08/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
Lifting The Fog, Living The Light! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
11/01/2020: The Ministry Train!
11/01/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
The Ministry Train! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
10/25/2020: Tradition!
Tradition! - Dr. Tom Wolthuis
10/25/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
10/18/2020: The Secret To A Healthy Church!
The Secret To A Healthyl Church! - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
10/11/2020: Always! Really?
10/18/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
Always! Really? - Michael Brost, Interim Pastor
10/11/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
10/05/2020: Contentment And Opportunity In All Things!
Contentment And Opportunity In All Things! - Mike Brost, Interim Pastor
10/05/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
09/27/2020: Advancing The Gospel In Chaotic Days!
Advancing The Gospel In Chaotic Days! - Pastor Doug Schillinger
09/20/2020: Praying And Thinking Your Way To Peace!
9/27/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
Praying And Thinking Your Way To Peace! - Mike Brost, Interim Pastor
9/20/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
09/13/2020: Looking, Counting, Loosing and Winning!
Looking, Counting, Loosing and Winning! - Mike Brost, Interim Pastor
9/13/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
09/06/2020: Sunglasses Required!
Sunglasses Required! - Mike Brost, Interim Pastor
08/30/2020: Proclaiming God!
9/06/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
Proclaiming God! - Dr. Tom Wolthuis
08/23/2020: When Bad Things Happen!
8/30/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
When Bad Things Happen! - Pastor Ed Baker
08/16/2020: From Selfies To Servanthood!
8/23/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
From Selfies To Servanthood! - Mike Brost, Interim Pastor
8/16/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
08/09/2020: Delight, Desire, Deliverance
Delight, Desire, Deliverance - Mike Brost, Interim Pastor
8/09/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
08/02/2020: Who Does The Work
Who Does The Work - Mike Brost, Interim Pastor
07/26/2020: Testing The Waters
8/02/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
Testing The Waters - Michael Brost
07/19/2020: Moses-A Hero Of Faith
Moses - A Hero Of Faith - Pastor Gary Van Heukelom
7/26/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
07/12/2020: Plays Well With Others: Holy Disagreement
7/19/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
Plays Well With Others: Holy Disagreement - Pastor Jesse B. Henkle
07/05/2020: Establish Justice
Establish Justice - Pastor Brett J. Vander Berg
7/12/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
06/28/2020: Tabula Rasa and the Forever Sponge
Tabula Rasa and the Forever Sponge - Michael Brost
7/05/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
06/21/2020: Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata - Dr. Tom Wolthuis
6/28/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
06/14/2020: How Are We To Pray
6/21/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
How Are We To Pray - Pastor Gary Van Heukelom
06/07/2020: Your God Is Too Small
6/14/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
Your God Is Too Small - Pastor Ed Baker
05/31/2020: I AM
I Am - Michael Brost
6/07/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
5/31/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
05/24/2020: Pandemic Priorities
Pandemic Priorties - Michael Brost
05/17/2020: The Great Blessing
The Great Blessing - Dr. Tom Wolthuis
5/24/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
05/10/2020: One Plus One Equals Survival
One Plus One Equals Susrvival - Pastor Gary Van Heukelom
5/17/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
5/10/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
05/03/2020: Our Solid Hope
Our Solid Hope - Pastor Ed Baker
5/10/2020 Find the video recording on our Facebook Page Here
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